CUPE 2950 Lunchtime Gallery Tour

The Chung | Lind Gallery. Credit: UBC Library Communications and Marketing

Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 12:30pm – approx. 45 minutes
Location: Chung | Lind Gallery, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre L2
Please confirm your attendance by RSVP (by eod August 13):

We still have some spots left!

We have a cap on attendance (25 people) due to the gallery’s tour requirements. 

Thanks to everyone that joined the tour on August 1 – we hope you enjoyed it!
Did you miss it or would like a deeper dive into the collections?
You can now RSVP for a tour on Thursday, August 15 at 12:30pm. This will be approx. 45 minutes. If you need to leave earlier, that’s no problem. If you are joining late, you can find the group inside.

About the Collections
The Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection contains more than 25,000 rare and unique items, including documents, books, maps, posters, paintings, photographs, tableware, and other artifacts. 

The Phil Lind Klondike Gold Rush Collection contains over 3,000 items, including books, maps, photographs, postcards, prints, artifacts and more.  

The gallery showcases a number of the items from each collection. 

You can find out more about the Gallery on their website: (including open hours). 

Open positions on the CUPE 2950 Executive Committee

We have a few vacant positions open on our CUPE 2950 Executive Committee.
Joining our Executive can enhance your skills, give you the chance to learn new skills and network across campus as well as work with other union representatives as well as Management representatives. The Executive are members, just like you, elected by you at General Membership Meetings (GMMs) and are responsible for implementing the decisions that are brought up by you, our members.  We are looking for members to join us!

Does this sound interesting to you?

Find below a list of our current positions that are currently vacant. Nominations open at our GMMs – you can nominate yourself or a fellow member:

Education Committee Chair

Health & Safety Committee Chair

  • represent the Local on Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees (JOHSCs) and Local Safety Teams (LSTs)
  • encourage members to attend health and safety training courses and work to ensure a safe, healthy workplace for all members by advising members of their rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation;
  • represent individual members of the Local at meetings with the Employer regarding concerns arising from Article 24 Working Conditions in our Collective Agreement. This Committee refers any concerns not resolved through the mechanisms of Article 24 to to the Grievance Committee

Job Evaluation Committee Chair

  • report that Committee’s activities to the Local Executive and membership.
  • chair Committee meetings and ensure minutes are taken

Lead Steward

  • position open to an active Steward
  • chairs the Steward Committee meetings and ensures minutes are taken
  • report that Committee’s activities to the Local Executive and membership;
  • responsible for overseeing and coordinating the training and education of stewards, also may provide a training seminar with assistance from the Executive
  • becomes a member of the Grievance Committee (scheduled to meet every second Tuesday at 2pm)


  • admits members in good standing, Local office personal, officers and officials of CUPE and guests invited by the Local Executive to membership meetings
  • assists in maintaining the record of membership attendance at meetings by processing list of attendees during virtual and in-person gatherings


How do I join the Executive?

You will need to nominate yourself or have someone nominate you for an open position at a GMM. You can also nominate anyone else during the GMMs. At the following GMM, nominations will close for that position and if there’s no other interest, you will be acclaimed to the position. If there is more than one person nominated for a position, an election will be held at the following GMM and you may be asked to provide a brief note on why you would like to be considered for the position.

What can I expect?

To participate in the leadership of our union and attending Executive meetings as well provide reports at our GMMs (please note reports are not provided for all exec positions i.e. recording secretary and sergeant-at-arms). We also offer training to support member’s interests and you can learn more about labour relations.

Our Executive typically meets every second Tuesday to discuss the business of the local but usually meetings only take place once a month.

What will I learn?

Depending on the position, there’s opportunities to learn many different skills. Do you like organizing lunch and learns and workshops? Join our Education Committee or better yet, nominate yourself for the Education Committee Chair position on our Executive. Want to hone in on your problem solving skills? Become a Steward. Keen advocate for Health & Safety? Join our Health & Safety Committee or take the lead and become our Health & Safety Committee Chair.

Committees and Stewarding

Interested in joining a committee but not chairing? See our committee page here for a list of committees that you can get involved in.

Interested in becoming a steward? Find out more here and contact the office at for more information.

CUPE 2950 Lunchtime Gallery Tour

The Chung | Lind Gallery. Credit: UBC Library Communications and Marketing

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Time: 12:30-1:00pm (approx. 30 minutes – feel free to stay and look around and ask questions)
Location: Chung | Lind Gallery, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre L2

We invite you on a tour of the Chung | Lind Gallery to learn more about these two unique collections available in the UBC Library.
The Gallery opened it’s doors to the public on May 1, 2024. 

The Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection contains more than 25,000 rare and unique items, including documents, books, maps, posters, paintings, photographs, tableware, and other artifacts. 

The Phil Lind Klondike Gold Rush Collection contains over 3,000 items, including books, maps, photographs, postcards, prints, artifacts and more.  

You can find out more about the Gallery on their website:

Please note we have a cap on attendance (25 people) due to the gallery’s tour requirements. 

If the tour proves popular, we will look at hosting again.

CUPE 2950 members can RSVP by July 30 at: