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Health & Safety


The Health and Safety Committee:
• is comprised of the Chair and other members who are stewards;
• represents the Local on the University Health and Safety Committee;
• encourages members to attend health and safety training courses and work to ensure a safe, healthy workplace for all members;
• advises members of their rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation;
• represents individual members of the Local at meetings with the Employer regarding concerns arising from Article 24 (Collective Agreement). This Committee will refer to the Grievance Committee any concerns not resolved through the mechanisms of Article 24.

For more information, see Local By-laws Section 8 c (vii).


Jed Cheng (Chair)

Chloe Martin-Cabanne (on leave)

Contact; or 604-822-1494


President represents CUPE 2950 on the University Administrative Units Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (UAU JOHSC)

Attends meetings between the University and the Worker’s Compensation Board

See Article 24 of the Collective Agreement: Working Conditions for more information on health & safety in your collective agreement.


Past Workshops

Typically workshops are held over lunch as lunch and learns. We have had some fantastic speakers provide workshops for us from both UBC and externally. Workshops have been organized by the H&S committee and the former  CUPE 2950 Wellbeing Programming Group. Interested in booking health & safety workshops/events for members? Join the committee, reach out to

  • Walking Wednesdays
  • Positive Coping Strategies
  • Ergonomics
  • Transit Safety
  • Understanding Mental Health
  • Move U Crew Movement Breaks
  • Mindful Mondays
  • Cardiovascular Health Webinar
  • Self & Community Care
  • Health, Wellbeing & Benefits Resources Overview
  • Strengthening Resilience Workshop
  • How to handle stress
  • Is sitting the new smoking? The dangers of sitting at your computer and what you can do
  • COVID-19 Vaccine 101
  • Sleep Better Feel Better: Why we need sleep and how to improve it
  • Fix your Fatigue: Discover Energizing Strategies to Boost Your Body and Brain 
  • Love Your Lymph to Boost Your Immune Resilience & Brain Health 
  • Virtual Yoga & Meditation Class 
  • Nutrition & Health: Eat Your Way to Vibrant Health
  • Stress Management Workshop: Taking Control of Your Stress


Do you know who your Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee is?

Each area at UBC should have a Local Safety Team (LST) and Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (JOHSC). Some areas may only have a JOHSC. JOHSCs are governed under the Workers Compensation Act. LSTs are not required or governed under the Workers Compensation Act. However, they play a key role in providing assistance on Health & Safety related matters. Visit safety roles & responsibilities here. Find your JOHSC here.

Right to refuse unsafe work
Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work. If you have a reasonable cause to believe that performing a job or task puts you at risk, it is your right to not perform that job or task. Notify your supervisor immediately of this as they must investigate the matter and correct it if possible. 
Find out more at the Safety & Risk Services website

View a short presentation on the right to refuse unsafe work;
Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee Presentation

UBC Safety & Risk Services

Emergency Management

CUPE National

WorkSafeBC and CCOHS